Scoil Chaitríona Cailíní
Emergency School Building to be opened on January 4th
The Task:
Due to a Tragic Fire that cost Scoil Chaitriona their school on the 16th of October. The schools main concern was to get a temporary school up and running before the start of the new year.
Project Feature:
- Fully Operated School in 7 weeks.
- 9 No. Classrooms.
- Fully operated staff room & offices.
- 4 No. Resource Rooms.
- Kitchenette & Toilets in each classroom.
- Connecting walkway for the units.
- Installed After School Room.
- Installing full tarmacadam’s for a playground for the school.
Asset Accommodation approached Scoil Chaitriona with a proposed solution for this school. We committed to having an emergency school reopen on the first week of the new year in January as the various children were scattered to neighbouring schools.
After Consulting with our design team & architects, Asset Accommodation was Awarded the project with the deadline set for the 4th of January to be reopening the school. Due to only having 7 weeks to get the school in place, Asset Accommodation got to work.

The Solution:
Asset Accommodation supplied a fully operational school in 7 weeks, with the school being opened in time for the new semester. The school consisted of 9 No. Classrooms; Each Classroom was fitted with a pair of toilets & Kitchenette area. We also fitted 4 No. Resource Rooms, 2 No. Offices, Large Staff Room, Staff room toilets & a large interconnecting hallway.
Asset was also approached by the after-school program to provide an extra day care classroom which was also met with on time.
The Solution:
The Asset Accommodation bespoke layout and high Modern Finish created a bright and spacious learning environment.
The classroom Units were fully equipped with the following:
- UPVC Double-Glazed Windows
- LED Lighting
- 2 Kw Panel Heaters
- Vinyl Floor Covering
- 13 Amp Double Sockets
- Network Sockets
- 100 mm insulated Walls
- UPVC Entrance door with double glazed glass pane
- UPVC Fire exit

The Principal of Scoil Chaitriona Cailíni; Imelda Whelan wrote “We were very fortunate to work with Asset Accommodation on the construction of our modular school as a temporary accommodation following the recent fire at our permanent building. The level of professionalism shown to us by Asset Accommodation staff was outstanding. They worked through very difficult conditions to complete a temporary school and admin block in just 7 weeks.
The end result was a wonderful modular building which is modern, bright, spacious, welcoming and warm. The handover took place on the exact scheduled date. We were very impressed with the professionalism of all the Asset Accommodation staff with whom we built a very warm and instant rapport. We would highly recommend Asset Accommodation.”